Product Manager at Payara Services Ltd
Rudy loves to create (web) applications with the Jakarta EE platform and MicroProfile implementations and is currently working for Payara Services Limited as Project Manager. He helps customers, prospects, writes technical content, is part of some MicroProfile implementations, and advocates the Payara Products in various ways.
He is active in the IT industry for more than 20 years and has created many applications for customers. He is also a big fan of OpenSource and helped in various OpenSource projects like DeltaSpike, PrimeFaces, and Apache Myfaces. He is also passionate about Web Application Security using OAuth2, OpenId Connect, and JWT. He maintains the Octopus OpenSource project and is a member of the Jakarta EE Security API team.
Title : Creating a PAAS on top of the Azure Platform
Description :
In this session, we explain how we created Payara Cloud, an all-in-one serverless solution and Platform as a Service for Jakarta EE and MicroProfile applications running on the Microsoft Azure platform. At Jakarta EE, the goal has always been to focus on the application logic and as a developer, you don’t have to worry about the infrastructure. When you deploy to the cloud, many cloud solutions require that you know and master Kubernetes and other cloud-specific frameworks to be able to use the platform.