In this video series created by Rudy De Busscher you’ll learn how to run an application which connects to a PostgreSQl database with Payara Server on the Microsoft Azure Platform in five short videos.
Watch how to access the Microsoft Azure Portal, install Azure CLI, create and set up a resource group and install it on Ubuntu Server. After you’ve completed these initial steps, you can then install Payara Server on Microsoft Azure, set up Payara Server’s Admin Console for remote access, connect to a PostgreSQL database and create a table, and finally, configure and deploy your application with Payara Server on the Microsoft Azure Platform!
The Payara Platform is very well suited for cloud deployments, including Docker and Kubernetes containers. Since the platform is cloud-native and optimized for production environments, it can be deployed in any environment: on cloud, on-premises, or hybrid. The Payara Platform works with a variety of architectural styles including serverless systems, reactive systems, and microservices. It’s an ideal platform for running Jakarta EE and MicroProfile applications on Azure, and our commitment to supporting major cloud platforms ensures the Payara Platform is compatible with the services you’re already using, including Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and the Google Cloud Platform
Part 1: Access Azure Portal and Install Azure CLI
Learn how to install Azure CLI from the Microsoft Azure Portal to manage your environment through scripts. This is step 1 toward installing an application which connects to a PostgreSQL database with Payara Server on the Microsoft Azure Platform. After installing Azure CLI, the next video of this series will show you how to create a resource group.
Part 2: Create a Resource Group and Server
After you set up your Microsoft Azure Portal account, you can create a resource group to bundle all resources in the Azure Portal and add the Ubuntu Server to it. This video takes you step by step through the process of creating a resource group, adding Ubuntu Server as a virtual machine, and installing Java on the Ubuntu Server. This is step 2 toward having an application running on Payara Server in Microsoft Azure that can connect to a PostgreSQL database. In the next video, we’ll show you how to install Payara Server.
Part 3: Install Payara Server
In this step of the process for running an application on Payara Server in Microsoft Azure that connects to a PostgreSQL database, you’ll learn how to install Payara Server on the Microsoft Azure Platform. In the previous videos of this series, you installed the Azure CLI, created a resource group and added Ubuntu Server. Follow along with the steps in this 7-minute video to install Payara Server on Microsoft Azure and set it up to access Payara Server’s web Admin Console remotely and securely.
Part 4: Install PostgreSQL Server
In the previous videos of this series, we have set up a resource group and installed Ubuntu Server, installed Payara Server on Microsoft Azurel and made the Admin Console of Payara Server ready for remote access. In this 7-minute video, we will install the PostgreSQL database server and create a table with some records in it so the application running on Payara Server in Microsoft Azure can read the information in the table. In the next (and last) video of the series, we’ll configure and deploy an application.
Part 5: Configure and Deploy Application
If you’ve followed all the steps presented in this 5-video series, you’ll have an application running on Payara Server in Microsoft Azure that connects to a PostgreSQL database. In this final video of the series, we’ll configure and deploy an application to test that everything is working properly.
If you are considering lifting and shifting existing Java EE applications to Azure, the Payara Platform is the perfect platform choice. With extensive support for Azure and out-of-the-box clustering on Azure IaaS, migration is simple and painless. If you are looking to build new containerized applications or microservice architectures, the Payara Platform’s extensive support for Azure’s container-based products provides the perfect deployment platform for your solutions. If you need assistance, the Payara Accelerator team can provide customized consultancy services to advise on architectures and migration strategies or the Accelerator team can lift and shift your application onto Microsoft Azure for you. Your Payara Enterprise Support contract provides support for the Payara Platform on Azure and direct access to Payara Engineers to ask questions and assist you if you have problems in moving your application to Microsoft Azure.
Visit our Cloud Solutions page for more resources on using Payara Server with Microsoft Azure